13 December 2009

Part 1 Bird Survey - Telupid n Kinabatangan

Did some bird survey in the month of November. The purpose of this survey was to record the endemics and thier extend of habitats.
Since this is only a preliminary survey, the survey is done randomly and will need more time to cover the extend of the forest of Telupid and Kinabatangan.
Will continue to post Part 2 of this survey soon.

Happy Birding.

Camp site
Hunter's Hide

Elmer and Dennis Ikon

Steep Climb at Kinabatangan Jungle
Keenneth and Lence

Team at Work (Kenneth and Lence)

Treeking at Telupid Jungle

Trap found in on of our survey


Crested Serpent Eagel - a pair

Wrinkled Hornbill

Storm Stork's

Bat Hawk on a nest

Little Spider Hunter

2nd Day Outing with CK and Osman

This is our 2nd break (from guiding) and decided to try our neighborhood jogging park. The result were quite surprising and my lifer was a Japanese Sparrow Hawk for that day. It was hovering for a minute and then disappear in the hills. Later saw it again with CK, this time it was eating something on a tree but quite obscure to take any picture and then it was gone.
Happy Birding.
CK, Denis and Osman

Black-winged Flycatcher Shrike

Black and Red Broadbill

Juvenile Rufous-tailed Tailorbird

Common Iora

Blue Eared Kingfisher

Night Heron

07 November 2009

Kota Belud Outing with CK and Osman

Birding with good friends and below are pictures that I managed to take.

The outing was rewarded with a Temminck's Stint - calidris temminckii (identified by CK) a non breeding winter visitor and several sighting of Buff Banded Rail has confirm my curiosity of this bird arrivals. Unfortunately I am unable to take a picture.

Several White Winged Tern - chlidonias leucopterus was also seen with Scope's.


Chinese Egret

Javan Pond Heron

Common Kingfisher

25 October 2009

Bird Festival - RDC 10-15 Oct 2009

It was a great day for Sabah and in particularly Sandakan. The International Bird Festival (RDC) was officiated by the DCM on the 10 Oct 09.

Not only it was a beautiful bird festival but it was also the 1st bird race for this fare.

I tried to take some decent pictures but since it was a working outing I had only some of this pictures to share.

Happy birding.

Red-sided Snake

Dwarf Kingfisher

Giant-flying squirrel

Crested Serpent Eagle

Checkered-throated Woodpecker

Racket-tailed Drongo

Spectacled Spiderhunter

Bristle head

Participant from Selangor
(Yayasan Anak Warisan Alam)

Birds of Borneo Club Booth
(permanent structure donated by forestry)

13 September 2009

Mark Broadbent Part 2 - 26 Aug 09


Took the first out to Sandakan and meet up with Bailey our transporter. We stop for breakfast at Mile 10 before proceeding to Sepilok Orang Utan Centre. (note: Jordan Sitorus was in the same plane only releasing this when he called my name and also met up with Alfons at the breakfast point).

Got some pictures of orang-utan, proboscis monkeys, languar monkeys and a violet cuckoo (this was the big surprise - but picture was only good for identification quality.

Happy reading.

RDC canopy walk-way

Juvenile Orang Utan

Violet Cuckoo sigted at RDC

Silver leaf Langur

Mark with foreground of Proboscis

Mark in the middle of crowd trying to video the Orang Utan

06 September 2009

Mark Broadbent Part 1 (23rd - 25th Aug 09)

Part 1

Got some work to guide for a photographer from Australia from 21st Aug to 06th Sept. Very talented person and this are few of the places that we have visited.

This is part 1 of our journey and I hope the pictures will give more stories than my writing.

Happy Reading.
Manukan Isld

Gayana Eco Resort

KK Waterfront (waiting for sunset)

Kota Kinabalu City Bird-Eye View from Signal Hill
On Top of Shangri-La Roof Top to picture the grounds for the Resort

21 August 2009


Took some time out birding with Karim @sinooorita and Jason @harukoru at Sugud Forest Reseve but birding was slow and not long enough it started to rain. So we all decided to make a day.

A fruit dove was spotted by courtesy of Jason @harukoru and the large woodshrike was spotted by Karim and myself.


Temminks Sunbird female

Temminks Sunbird female

Temminks Sunbird

Temminks Sunbird

Indigo flycatcher

Indigo flycatcher

Yellow Breasted Warbler

Yellow Breasted Warbler

Black Collared Starlings

Black Collared Starlings
2 birds , winter from South China

Starlings Video

Little Heron

Little Heron

Grey Tail Tattler

Grey Tail Tattler

Crested Myna

Crested Myna

Chesnut Cheeked Starling-Sturnus phillipines

Chesnut Cheeked Starling-Sturnus phillipines
Second Lifer

Pink Necked Green Pigeon - video

Crested Myna video

Pink Necked Green Pigeon

Pink Necked Green Pigeon
My best ever effort with digiscoping

Cattle Egret!!

Black Collared Starlings

Black Collared Starlings
Lifer of the Day....spot at Penampang-Dongongon roadside

Oriental Pratincole

Oriental Pratincole
At the road side Penampang/Dongongon bypass

Black Headed Munia

Black Headed Munia
Shot at padi field at Penampang

Waders feeding

Waders feeding

Ruff - digiscope

Ruff - digiscope
Only bird / Penampang rice field

Black Wing Stilt - digiscope

Black Wing Stilt - digiscope
Taken at Penampang roadside

Wimbrel - digiscope

Wimbrel - digiscope
Sighted at Lok Kawi Mud flat

Pacific Egret - Grey Form

Pacific Egret - Grey Form





Digiscoping Equipment

Digiscoping Equipment

Equipment use for birding

  • Nikon D300
  • SLIK tripod / Monfrotto ProB tripod with Monfrotto Video Head 701HDV
  • Kowa Universal adapter
  • Canon G9 / Nikon L16 Coolpix
  • TSN603 with 45X wide angle / 20X wide angle
  • Nikon Monarch 10x42

Birding at Tambunan

Birding at Tambunan
Mountain Barbet / Andrew and Karim in action

Birding Time with Good Friends

22 April 08

Late updating, few trips with Jason and CK. We had a good sight of the Whitehead Spider Hunter. They took pictures (digiscoping). Have not seen it yet.

Jason on the scope for Whiteheads broadbill

Jason on the scope for Whiteheads broadbill
Broadbill quest

CK (front carrying his scope) and Jason

CK (front carrying his scope) and Jason

Jason - Tabin restaurant platform

Jason - Tabin restaurant platform


Jason - bird spotting