30 July 2009

Rain Rain Rain but

Call Karim @sinooorita to check out the birds at Sugud Forest Reserve but it just rain, rain, rain since 0600 am.

Finally it stops around 1145 am and without hesitation we drove as fast as we could.
But the birds were all having a long siesta, but the weather was quite nice and pleasant for a change.

We finally got some shots and it was the faithful Black and Yellow Broadbill. It gave us some pleasure finally making use of our camera.

I also took some macro picture when the birding pace were slowing down.

Note: I added a Buff-banded Rail that I took 2 days earlier. It was not really a good shot but it's one rare migrant that I would like to add for my collection finally.

Buff-banded Rail (gallirallus philippensis)

29 July 2009


Decided to check out the birds this afternoon, but rain suddenly came down around 0430 pm. It was pouring cats and dogs but luckly it a was a brief rain. Lasted only about 30 minutes.

Took out my bins and look out for the pair but only the male was seen on the nest, the female has gone missing. Thinking it must have gone out to feed herseld and decided to wait longer.

But until 0630 pm the female has not returned and I fear the worse..

Hope she will be there tomorrow.

28 July 2009

Posting Previous Collection

This is Tim Hochgrebe from Underwater Website, a photographer from Australia. He was here from an invitation from a tour company to do some article about Borneo especially diving destinations. On the last day of his visit, I took him to Kg Luanti for a fish massage. Well actually it is fish feeding than anything else.

It was quite fun and something new for this writer to add on in their website.

The village is situated along the roadside and could be reach around 2 1/2 hours drive from KK.

Visitors will have to pay entrance because the fishes are protected and taken really with care by the villagers.

Happy Holidays.

Tim on the Job
Locals trying out the product

27 July 2009

Greater Painted Snipe

Initially wanted to bird early this morning, eversince I was informed by Karim @sinooorita that a pair of Greater Painted Snipe was spotted at my favourite birding site (Penampang highway bypass), But only decided to do it in the afternoon instead, which turn out to be favourable to me. Not only a Painted Snipe but a pair and guarding it nest with 1 egg.

At the same area a Slaty Breasted Rail was spotted trying to cross to the other side of the rice field and this shot was taken in a rush, so it's a poor picture. But anyway it's for identification purpose.

Feeling happy with the find, decided to share it with friends, called Karim, CK, Jason @Nazri, Ben D but only Karim and CK could come.

Not long later both came and managed to photograph it before the sun sets in.

List of bird sighted at the same area.
*Moor Hen x 6
*Crested Myna x 3
*White Breasted Waterhen x 4
*Cinnamon Bittern x 2
*Wood Sandpiper x Several

Happy Birding.

26 July 2009

Brown Barbet

Today when birding with Karim at Sugud Forest Reserve. It's been almost 5 months the last time I visited the place. As expected the jungle was quite, less bird activity. I only managed to get a few pictures of a Brown Barbet. This was the only subject that was sporting.
Happy watching.

24 July 2009


I was on the way home and decided to take a detour to Likas Wetland Birdsanctuary.

It was very quite only the Kingfisher was calling and 3 ashy tailor bird chasing among themselves.

But the tailorbirds was so fast that I rule them out and instead took pictures of the kingfisher.

It was getting dark but just tried out how it came out. So here it is....

21 July 2009

Long and Overdue Posting

Dear All,

It been very long posting latest events or pictures.

Would have to wait a little bit longer though.

Many pictures and sorting the dates and event that came with it.


Temminks Sunbird female

Temminks Sunbird female

Temminks Sunbird

Temminks Sunbird

Indigo flycatcher

Indigo flycatcher

Yellow Breasted Warbler

Yellow Breasted Warbler

Black Collared Starlings

Black Collared Starlings
2 birds , winter from South China

Starlings Video

Little Heron

Little Heron

Grey Tail Tattler

Grey Tail Tattler

Crested Myna

Crested Myna

Chesnut Cheeked Starling-Sturnus phillipines

Chesnut Cheeked Starling-Sturnus phillipines
Second Lifer

Pink Necked Green Pigeon - video

Crested Myna video

Pink Necked Green Pigeon

Pink Necked Green Pigeon
My best ever effort with digiscoping

Cattle Egret!!

Black Collared Starlings

Black Collared Starlings
Lifer of the Day....spot at Penampang-Dongongon roadside

Oriental Pratincole

Oriental Pratincole
At the road side Penampang/Dongongon bypass

Black Headed Munia

Black Headed Munia
Shot at padi field at Penampang

Waders feeding

Waders feeding

Ruff - digiscope

Ruff - digiscope
Only bird / Penampang rice field

Black Wing Stilt - digiscope

Black Wing Stilt - digiscope
Taken at Penampang roadside

Wimbrel - digiscope

Wimbrel - digiscope
Sighted at Lok Kawi Mud flat

Pacific Egret - Grey Form

Pacific Egret - Grey Form





Digiscoping Equipment

Digiscoping Equipment

Equipment use for birding

  • Nikon D300
  • SLIK tripod / Monfrotto ProB tripod with Monfrotto Video Head 701HDV
  • Kowa Universal adapter
  • Canon G9 / Nikon L16 Coolpix
  • TSN603 with 45X wide angle / 20X wide angle
  • Nikon Monarch 10x42

Birding at Tambunan

Birding at Tambunan
Mountain Barbet / Andrew and Karim in action

Birding Time with Good Friends

22 April 08

Late updating, few trips with Jason and CK. We had a good sight of the Whitehead Spider Hunter. They took pictures (digiscoping). Have not seen it yet.

Jason on the scope for Whiteheads broadbill

Jason on the scope for Whiteheads broadbill
Broadbill quest

CK (front carrying his scope) and Jason

CK (front carrying his scope) and Jason

Jason - Tabin restaurant platform

Jason - Tabin restaurant platform


Jason - bird spotting