This a long over due posting. Firstly I take this opportunity to thank Mr Octavious owner of Mari-Mari Resort for inviting us to do a bird survey at both of Mantanani Islands. We were welcome with warmth atmosphere by the resort staff. The survey group consists of C.K. Leung, Naseri @Jason Bugay, Thomas Foo, John Prudente and myself.
It was a fruitful trip and our focal point of this survey was to determine the Mantanani Owl could be sighted every night if there is any birder who would like to bird at this island. I did not managed to get any picture of the owl but that will be the next group ( 11-13 May) task.
Cheers and happy birding.
Waiting for the boat to take us back to the resort. There was no real jetty to disembark or embark from the boat. It was best to wait low tide.
Taking a break and look out for Metallic Pigeon. It's the highest point of the Manatanani Kecil island and also serve as the mobile phone reception to make calls
View from Mantanani Kecil Island (background is the Mari Mari Mantanani Resort with big hump) The mari-mari resort is on the left.