Reticulated Python - about 3meters. I think it has its meal for the evening.
Our birding journey started from Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary, however it was a slow morning and after lunch we departed to Gomantong Cave. Unexpectedly I did not take any pictures during this period. So I can only give out the list that we have heard or seen : Crested Serpent Eagle, Rufous Piculet, Chestnut-winged Babbler, Buff-rumped Woodpeacker, Pied Fantail, Black-nest Swift, Red-eye Bulbul, House Swallow, Bat Hawk, Red leaf monkeys. Black and Crimson Pitta. We continued our journey to Barefoot lodge and check-in. After dinner it was time for night cruise and above the python was the first to greet us and the rest as follows.....
Buffy Fish Owl
Two Blue-eared perching side by side.
That was for the night, continued the next day with the following below:-
Oriental Darter
Malaysian Blue Flycatcher
Pied Hornbill
Orange-backed Woodpecker
Black and Red Broadbill
Smooth Otter
Giant Red Flying Squirrel - ready for its gliding at RDC. Its one of the highlights attractions at RDC besides the birding. You will be entertain.
Here's one trying to get to a higher positions before gliding down. It seems that the giants need to plan before gliding or they might end up stuck for a wrong decision.
The ever shy and elusive Rufous Collared Kingfisher. It only finally came out when I played the mp3 for a good 5 minutes and stayed enough for this picture.
Black and Red Broadbill - one of my favorites. The red coulor is just awesome on this bird.
Giant Squirrel - ratufa affinis sandakaninses, it lost it's composure and trying hard to find it back..Got Cha..
Banded Broadbill
This was taken at Trogon Tower at RDC - Raffles Malkoha
Green Iora
Happy Birding.