12 January 2012

Tambunan Birding 2012 with CK and Jonathan

The Tambunan Rafflesia Park forest were fruiting and this attracted some attention and interest of the birds. The Ashy Drongo was the last bird that I managed to take before making it a day.

I have yet to get a better shot of this Adult Blue and White flycatcher.

This Mugimaki Flycatcher was so active that it annoyed all of us. It would not sit still even for just a minute. I was not happy with this picture but Jonathan had a sharp picture of him.

With abandon fruits available, most birds were so preoccupied with eating that it did not bother to get close to them just like this Endemic Bornean Flowerpecker (formerly known as Black-sided Flowerpecker)

Its quite common to see the Chestnut Crested Yuhina around the park but not an easy bird to photograph. To ensure a sharp and detailed pictures of this bird, one has to invest a prime lens or you can also ask the bird not to move about during taking its picture.

Happy Birding.

08 January 2012

Bornean Treepie

Large and noisy bird but not easy to photograph. I forgot to post this last year hopefully you all will enjoy it.

Happy Birding.

Common Kestrel - falco tinnunculus

Another great find to start the new year. However this was the only picture that I managed to get yesterday.
The Common Kestrel is not common to Sabah Borneo and its considered uncommon winter visitor. This was sighted around housing area and the pictures suggest it was sitting on a construction debris but nevertheless it "Majestic" posture really take away your breath.

Hopefully it will continue visiting us in the near future.

Happy Birding.

New Year with Javan Sparrow - padda oryzivora

Native to Java and Bali but never really populated in Kota Kinabalu - Sabah Borneo.
However it was a delightful find to start the new year 2012.

Happy Birding.

Temminks Sunbird female

Temminks Sunbird female

Temminks Sunbird

Temminks Sunbird

Indigo flycatcher

Indigo flycatcher

Yellow Breasted Warbler

Yellow Breasted Warbler

Black Collared Starlings

Black Collared Starlings
2 birds , winter from South China

Starlings Video

Little Heron

Little Heron

Grey Tail Tattler

Grey Tail Tattler

Crested Myna

Crested Myna

Chesnut Cheeked Starling-Sturnus phillipines

Chesnut Cheeked Starling-Sturnus phillipines
Second Lifer

Pink Necked Green Pigeon - video

Crested Myna video

Pink Necked Green Pigeon

Pink Necked Green Pigeon
My best ever effort with digiscoping

Cattle Egret!!

Black Collared Starlings

Black Collared Starlings
Lifer of the Day....spot at Penampang-Dongongon roadside

Oriental Pratincole

Oriental Pratincole
At the road side Penampang/Dongongon bypass

Black Headed Munia

Black Headed Munia
Shot at padi field at Penampang

Waders feeding

Waders feeding

Ruff - digiscope

Ruff - digiscope
Only bird / Penampang rice field

Black Wing Stilt - digiscope

Black Wing Stilt - digiscope
Taken at Penampang roadside

Wimbrel - digiscope

Wimbrel - digiscope
Sighted at Lok Kawi Mud flat

Pacific Egret - Grey Form

Pacific Egret - Grey Form





Digiscoping Equipment

Digiscoping Equipment

Equipment use for birding

  • Nikon D300
  • SLIK tripod / Monfrotto ProB tripod with Monfrotto Video Head 701HDV
  • Kowa Universal adapter
  • Canon G9 / Nikon L16 Coolpix
  • TSN603 with 45X wide angle / 20X wide angle
  • Nikon Monarch 10x42

Birding at Tambunan

Birding at Tambunan
Mountain Barbet / Andrew and Karim in action

Birding Time with Good Friends

22 April 08

Late updating, few trips with Jason and CK. We had a good sight of the Whitehead Spider Hunter. They took pictures (digiscoping). Have not seen it yet.

Jason on the scope for Whiteheads broadbill

Jason on the scope for Whiteheads broadbill
Broadbill quest

CK (front carrying his scope) and Jason

CK (front carrying his scope) and Jason

Jason - Tabin restaurant platform

Jason - Tabin restaurant platform


Jason - bird spotting